Steve Dasbach joined the Libertarian Party in 1979, after co-founding a libertarian student group on the campus of Michigan State University. He is a life member of the Libertarian Party.
Active in revitalizing the LP of Indiana, Dasbach served in a variety of LP offices, including two terms as state chair, as well as running for public office. His campaign for Indiana Secretary of State in 1982 qualified the party for the ballot without needing to petition for the first time since the founding of the LPIN.
In 1985, Dasbach was elected to the Libertarian National Committee (LNC), serving three terms as regional rep, vice chair 1991-93 and chair 1993-98. During his tenure, party membership increased from 10k to 28k, and fundraising increased from $0.8 M in 1993 to $2.5 M in 1998.
After completing his final term as chair, Dasbach served as Executive Director at the party’s HQ in Washington, DC from July 1998 until September 2002.
Dasbach was a cofounder of DownsizeDC.org and the Downsize DC founding in 2004. He also helped Harry Browne’s American Liberty Foundation launch the websites TruthAboutWar.com prior to the invasion of Iraq and ArmedandSecure.com. He continued as an active member of the LP of Virginia, serving on the board of LPNoVA, filling a vacancy in the office of state chair, and serving as a delegate to national conventions.
While living in Virginia, Dasbach developed an interest in community theater, thanks to his wife Libby. In addition to performing in plays and musicals from 2006-2019, he served on the boards of three local theater companies, including positions as Director of Development, VP of Membership, and VP of Production. Two of his favorite roles were playing Uncle Fester in The Addams Family musical and the villain Zoser in Aida.
Dasbach taught chemistry and physics at the high school and college level for 38 years in Indiana and Virginia. After retiring from teaching in 2019, he and Libby moved to Greenville, SC, where he soon became involved in Jo Jorgensen’s presidential campaign, serving as campaign chair and later campaign manager. Jorgensen received the second highest vote (1.8 M) total of any LP Presidential candidate at the lowest cost per vote in party history.
After the campaign ended , Dasbach increased his volunteer activities for the LP of South Carolina, and is currently serving as a member of the convention committee, chair of the campaigns committee, and Greenville County chair.